What could go wrong? Amanda’s Siamese cat WADJET has learned how to read, thanks to visits from BASTET, the Cat Goddess. ALL BOOK CHAPTERS of Feline Online and The Cats of Ancient Egypt AND the sequel Feline Online and The Rule of Cats ARE FREE. ENJOY!
Plan Bee is my weekly newsletter and source for all hard-hitting insights on women's health, pop culture distractions, recipes, and blazers, of course.
This will be a miscellany of stuff: history, gardening, home decor, and anything else that strikes my fancy! Probably it will have some recycled items from my now-defunct Wordpress site.
Come and check out what's going on in my little corner of the French countryside, stay for the silliness. And all the info about your rad Tab gifs from Wonkette.com!
New and unpublished drawings and thoughts for people who want to see more of life, from a New Yorker cartoonist. Drawings, cartoons, words, live drawing, process, more...
This is the home of two newsletters. Paid subscribers get Cheryl's Dear Sugar Letter monthly, plus her free newsletter several times a year, which includes her "Tells Us" author series. Free subscribers get everything but the monthly Dear Sugar Letter.