Wonkette Movie Night Writer Photographer
Wonkette Movie Night
Wonkette Movie Night was a created as a place to stop thinking about the news of the week for a couple of hours. To hang with friends, watch a movie, answer trivia, shout out a favorite quote or relate a sweet memory. Mostly it’s about trying to have a bit of fun. All are welcome.
I publish a monthly calendar of movies carefully curated from a list of Wonkers’(readers of Wonkette) recommendations.
Walking the streets of NYC I photograph what I see, sharing a view that makes you feel at home in the city that never sleeps but also has a very active day life. Views of the creatures(Sketchy Pigeons) and people that populate my beloved neighborhood of Washington Heights. Also sharing the amazing view from my balcony of the Manhattan skyline. And of course there are kitties.
Please check my personal website sharing more of my photography, message me here if interested in purchasing a print.
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