If you haven't heard, there will be an economic blackout Feb 28 nationwide. This means don't buy ANYTHING unless it's from a small business. No gas, fast food, and definitely not Target, Walmart, or Amazon.

Get the word out! We want THEM to see that WE have the power. We will start with 1 day, then 3, then specific companies until our message is heard.

Please spread the word.

Thank you

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J.D. found a home!!

This was a good one. Because there was a dog, of course.

Thanks, Ziggy!

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Thank you, ziggy. Another good one.

And a reminder that the voyage is the destination.

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Another good one!

Next week is episode 10: Les Dimanches matins

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I really like this episode. I’m glad that Reggie ended up with JD

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Cook isn’t going to pass to the next side until Ruben gets those eggs, right!

Aww now Angus can cross over!

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Daisy: “ I did once blow Babe Ruth”

Rube : “who didn’t”

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I did once blow Babe Ruth.

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Rube is a terrible general.

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A puzzle for one who has lost their mind.

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Oh Jesus, look at all of those eggs Rube has!

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A wealthy man.

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Snoozebin 🤣

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“Shame about the homeless they’re good lovers, but they will rob you blind”

Oh Deloris !

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Delores, so many layers just like an onion.

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I want J.D.--- I wuv him.

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Oh, I know who the cook is he played the detective that was partners with Detective Knight on forever night the first season! Detective Stankey?

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Yes! I thought I knew him.

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Oh Tweety!

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