All Potted Up On The Weed: EPISODE 8
Watching Godzilla all weekend long and smoking the devil's lettuce!
Raawwwwrrrrr!! Cough, cough, heh, roar…that’s a funny word, row-urr! Heh, heh, row-urr… row, row, row urr boat!
This episode I am highlighting Crescendo Cake Indica. Good stuff. May increase your distraction level and create a need for silliness like using Substack’s image generator to make a bunch of pics of Godzilla and Mary Jane.
So what was I talking about? Oh yeah Crescendo Cake is pretty good stuff.
Altimeter Reading
The Space Station.
This one gets you high enough that you may not come back down and be stuck in space indefinitely.
Join me for a Godzilla weekend. First up is the original Godzilla from 1954 for Wonkette Movie Night. All are welcome! Just go to Wonkette at 8pm ET (movie starts at 9pm ET) for pre-movie socializing. Find the movie on your own preferred device, I list the streaming options available, I try to find free versions but sometimes it may need to be rented. I give a 15 minute countdown in the comments so we can all start watching at the same time. Then throughout the movie there’s trivia and it is expected that you WILL talk during the movie! It’s a great way to watch a movie with friends who, although located far apart, can share a good time.
Followed up with Godzilla Minus One on Sunday on my Substack. It’s Ziggy’s Movie Matinee at 4pm ET.
Love it!!
Mandatory BOC _