I threw a pebble
into the ocean today
amidst the surf and salty spray.
A part of me flew with the stone
splashing into wet; crashing sounds,
I tumble down.
I am not so heavy
here beneath the sea.
So easy, not depth nor tides
will hold me.
But here I land upon a shell
and my gentle weight
flips us pell-mell.
I am a shell,
face down, cast away…
my beauty hidden until today.
Somehow my world
got plum upside down
and I feel the sun
is sparkling around.
As I lazily drift towards the shore
I have a sense there’s so much more.
Little pink toes
have come to greet me,
thrust up towards the sky
I shine so brightly.
Back on the shore
I watched people fill their buckets.
And I looked for a pebble to cast
but glittering bright
something had caught my glance.
It was opalescent in the sand,
half a shell, full of pearly sunlight.
Since beauty wasn’t meant to be held in hand
I tossed it back to the sea.
My feet left the sand
the shell and I were free
no longer kept to land.
And just as I believed
I could fly or I could stand
as high as I wanted to dream.
Enjoyed this. Rhythmic and floating, nice imagery.
I love this. I kinda want to make a song out of it.